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Qualifications Registry of Jamaica

The Vision 2030 National Development Plan for Jamaica has, as one of its strategies for the education sector, the development of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (J-TEC) has been mandated to ensure the attainment of globally benchmarked quality by all institutions in the tertiary sector through regulation, registration and development and the maintenance of relevant and appropriate internal quality assurance mechanisms and systems in individual institutions.

The Qualifications Registry of Jamaica 

The Qualifications Registry of Jamaica (QRJ) is the official national record of all qualifications that have been aligned to the levels of the National Qualifications Framework of Jamaica (NQF-J). It provides access to all registered qualifications.  

The QRJ will be regularly updated in keeping with the activity of Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (J-TEC) in assessing and placing qualifications. 

The QRJ is designed for use by students/learners, the general public, employers, awarding bodies, higher education and training institutions and providers, government agencies and their partners, and international entities. It will facilitate access to and retrieval of information on all qualifications in the QRJ through full search features. 

Placing Qualifications 

Higher education and training institutions and providers may apply to have their qualifications placed on the QRJ. The J-TEC International Relations and Qualifications division will provide guidance and support. All qualifications will be quality assured prior to placement. 

Providing Information on Qualifications

The QRJ provides information about qualifications that will allow users to understand critical detail about specific qualifications, especially the learning outcomes, structure and amount of credits, accreditation status, opportunities for employment, advancement or access to further stages of education and training which the qualifications offer. 

Accessing the QRJ

The QRJ provides open access to the general information located on the website. However, additional access to users will be dependent on their roles and functions. Higher education institutions and providers may register accounts in order to enter the details of their qualifications they provide. Students/learners may register and open accounts to be able to access the information on the qualifications. 

Searching the QRJ

Users may search for: 

  1. Qualifications (type, name/title, level)
  2. Careers, occupations, job type, sector.
  3. Programme.

As a major component of its mandate, J-TEC is to establish and maintain the NQF. In a framework of this nature every level of award has to go through a quality assurance process and must have outcomes that can be aligned to local and international standards.