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University of Technology, Jamaica - Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry


The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemistry programme seeks to produce graduates that become competent as high-level managers in chemical, biochemical and manufacturing industries, innovative and problem-solving researchers in research establishments, educators in universities and colleges, leaders of analytical and quality assurance teams, and consultants.

The Chemistry PhD graduate will be able to:
• teach at the University level, through the inclusion of advanced core modules such as Research Methodology, Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry and Instrumentation.

• perform research and make innovative progress in his/her field of interest through laboratory based research in a major problem solving project resulting in a thesis, complete with presentation and defence.

• demonstrate competence in the field of analytical research, quality assurance and decision-making capacities for academia and industry.

• demonstrate leadership and initiative in solving problems and in innovation and entrepreneurship.

The PhD course of study consists of ninety (90) credits, twenty-four (24) credits of taught modules/seminars, two (2) credits from conference/journal paper and sixty-four (64) credits for the research dissertation. Candidates may register for either course of study on a full-time or part-time basis and taught modules may be offered as face-to face, online or blended learning.

  • Listing ID: 4653
  • Institution Category: Universities
  • Field of Study: Chemistry
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica.
  • Qualification Level:
  • Education Sector: Higher Education
  • ISCED Code: 05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics- 053 Physical Sciences- 0531 Chemistry
  • Qualification Developer: School of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
  • Entry Requirements: A Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Chemistry.
  • Number of Credits: 90
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