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University of Technology, Jamaica -Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying


The curriculum is designed to train students in the core disciplines of Quantity Surveying i.e. measurement of building and civil engineering works, bid documentation, construction cost planning and economics, estimating cost of construction contracts as well as the development of research skills, professional ethics and general knowledge related to the Built Environment and the Quantity Surveying Profession. The programme is unique in its approach as it incorporates a Project Management module and Professional Internship. Therefore, providing students the opportunity to complete an internship, which is intended to develop students’ work ethic and interpersonal skills, and to facilitate the acquisition of pragmatic competence in the discipline.This programme is delivered in four (4) years or eight semesters.

  • Listing ID: 4690
  • Institution Category: Universities
  • Field of Study: Quantity Surveying
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Qualification Level:
  • Education Sector: Higher Education
  • ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 073 Architecture and Construction- 0732 Building and Civil Engineering
  • Qualification Developer: School of Building and Land Management, University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
  • Entry Requirements: 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics and three (3) other approved subjects. Preferred Subjects include: Building Technology, Electrical Installations, Chemistry, Physics, Additional Mathematics, Information Technology, Principles of Accounts, Technical Drawing, Geography.
    Successful completion of the prerequisite course of study (PCS) with a minimum GPA of 2.3. Entry to the PCS requires the five CXC/GCE subjects specified above. Graduates of the Quantity Surveying Diploma may articulate into this degree course (Minimum GPA 2.3). Alternative entry paths include any other programmes and qualifications obtained at a recognized educational institution. Applicants accepted via this route are required to submit academic transcripts and to document evidence of relevant work experience; certified copies of the course curricula are also required.
    Interview may be required.
  • Number of Credits: 139
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