University of the West Indies - Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
The B.A. in Philosophy is for students interested in issues pertaining to ethics, human existence and experience, and the value of cultural knowledge. Philosophy exposes and clarifies the meaning of concepts that we take for granted such as “truth”, “reason”, “beauty”, “right”, “duty”, “love”, “sex”, identity, meaning/end of life, God, appearance and reality. Critical reflection is at the core of the programme. Graduates of the programme are expected to be lifelong adaptable learners, critical and analytic thinkers, capable researchers and communicators. This programme provides a basis for postgraduate degree study in Philosophy and related subject areas.
- Listing ID: 4723
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Humanities and Education
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: The University of the West Indies
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 02 Arts and Humanities- 022 Humanities- 0223 Philosophy and Ethics
- Qualification Developer: The University of the West Indies
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
- Entry Requirements: Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-Level subjects which include: compulsory - English Language
- Number of Credits: 90