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University of Technology, Jamaica - Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (Accelerated)


The Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene seeks to educate and prepare dental health care professionals, capable of applying knowledge gained in general education and dental hygiene sciences when making decisions in the dental hygiene practice setting. The programme is dedicated to develop dental hygienist who are appropriately trained and competent to:

  1. Provide complete dental hygiene services to include assessment of the patients’ physical and oral conditions, and demonstrate preparation for medical/dental emergencies.
  2. Provide community service and promote optimal health by utilizing appropriate educational methods, strategies and communication skills.

The 2 year accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree started in 2010 and one cohort is admitted in August of each academic year. The course is two years in duration, organised on a full time basis over an academic year consisting of approximately forty weeks (three semesters)

  • Listing ID: 4608
  • Institution Category: Universities
  • Field of Study: Dentistry
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Qualification Level:
  • Education Sector: Higher Education
  • ISCED Code: 09 Health and Welfare- 091 Health- 0911 Dental Studies
  • Qualification Developer: College of Oral Health Sciences, University of Technology
  • Quality Assurance Body: Dental Council of Jamaica (DCJ)
  • Entry Requirements: Route A: 5 CSEC/GCE O\'Level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry/Integrated Science and Biology/Human and Social Biology and one other subject.
    Route B: Other appropriate level of study from a recognized educational institution.
    i. Students accepted through route B are required to supply documented evidence of academic transcripts and certified copies of course curriculum studied.
    ii. Passes in GCE or CXC CSEC should be obtained at no more than two sittings, Likewise, no more than two grade 3 will be accepted for entry required subjects.
    iii. In addition to the above, all selected applicants must pass a final selection interview.
  • Number of Credits: 130
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