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CASE - Post Graduate Diploma in Education


The students will be certified as trained teachers in the competent areas outlined by their bachelors degree.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Education aims to prepare individuals with the knowledge, andragogical and pedagogical skills and positive attitudes necessary to serve as effective instructors at the secondary and/or adult education level. Courses cover a wide range of educational theory, policy, and practice. The programme, through its various courses, will further understandings in topics such as education policy, equity, and evaluation in education, theories in learning and teaching and learning technologies.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Education is designed to give teachers, and other educational professionals the opportunity to improve their professional practice and to critically examine significant issues in education. The Post Graduate Diploma in Education develops research skills and investigates theories and practices in a range of areas of education. Through a range of learning experiences across courses, the programme aims to develop a rigorous approach to the theory/practice nexus in the field of educational studies.

  • Listing ID: 3308
  • Field of Study: Education
  • Institution Category: General Higher Education Colleges
  • Awarding Body: College of Agriculture, Science and Education
  • Education Sector: General Education
  • Qualification Number: 300
  • ISCED Code: 01/011/0114
  • Qualification Developer: College of Agriculture, Science and Education
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica
  • Entry Requirements: Non-Education Bachelors Degree
  • Number of Credits: 33
Contact details

P.O. Box 170 Passley Gardens Port Antonio P.O. Portland JamaicaCollege of Arts Science and Education,876 876-993-5436 or 876-993-5628 devon.case@case.edu.jm https://case.edu.jm/

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