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NCTVET - NVQ-J Level 4 in Accounting


Who this qualification is for: Establishing computerized accounting systems, processing tax, preparing statutory and non-statutory returns; maintaining inventory; undertaking compliance audits and procurement; maintaining payroll systems; preparing operational budgets and managing customer accounts. They will be engaged in supervisory functions such as managing staff performance; managing quality customer service; implementing internal controls; supervising and scheduling work. These individuals may provide accounting services, lead and/or support a team of other accounting staff. Individuals will also be trained by ensuring the integrity of the financial system and complying with professional practice and legal requirements.

Qualification Description: In this qualification, the competencies and skills will allow learners to prepare functional reports; establish budgetary control; monitor current assets; provide leadership; and maintain the business environment by ensuring the integrity of the financial system, implementing internal controls, managing staff performance, and complying with professional practice and legal requirements.

Qualification Value: Having completed this NVQ-J Level 4 Qualification, candidates will be awarded an Associate Degree, which is regionally and internationally accepted. It provides a basis for matriculation and is an alternate route to higher education. This qualification is equivalent to an Associate Degree on the Integrated Qualifications Framework of Jamaica.

Job roles: Payroll Manager; Accounts Manager; Accounting Administrator; Financial Controller.

  • Listing ID: 5889
  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: NCTVET
  • Qualification Level: Level 4 - Associate Degree/Advanced Diploma
  • Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
  • Qualification Code: FSF40523
  • ISCED Code: 04 Business, Administration and Law - 041 Business Administration - 0411 Accounting and Taxation
  • Qualification Developer: NCTVET
  • Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
  • Entry Requirements: NVQ Level 3 in Accounting.
  • Number of Credits: 104
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