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NVQ-J Level 3 Aero-skills in Airframe & Engine Maintenance


This qualification targets soldiers within the Jamaica Defence Force who are desirous of specializing in the area of Airframe and Engine Maintenance. Upon entering this qualification soldiers will be required to complete the NVQJ level 2 in Aero-skills Fundamentals. This qualification provides Airframe and Engine Maintenance Technicians with specific technical and nontechnical skills and competencies for Airframe and Engine Maintenance activities. The programme provides the technical and employability skills covered in the unit of competency.

Qualification Value: Having completed this NVQ-J Level 3 Qualification, candidates will be awarded a Diploma, which is regionally and internationally accepted. It provides a basis for matriculation and is an alternate route to higher education. This qualification is equivalent to a Diploma in the Integrated Qualifications Framework of Jamaica.

  • Listing ID: 5908
  • Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
  • Field of Study: Aviation
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: NCTVET
  • Qualification Level: Level 3 - Certificate III/Diploma
  • Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
  • Qualification Code: DEA30422
  • ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 071 Engineering and Engineering Trades- 0716 Motor Vehicles, ships and aircraft
  • Qualification Developer: NCTVET
  • Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
  • Entry Requirements: Requirement to complete the NVQJ level 2 in Aero-skills Fundamentals
  • Number of Credits: 191
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