NVQ-J Level 3 in Cocoa Tree Crop Production
This qualification plan is for persons working in the Cocoa Industry who may be challenged by knowledge and have competency gaps between what is required by the industry, and what can be/is being delivered by workers. The training in Cocoa Tree Crop Production Level 3 (CTCP-L3), provided by the Competency Standard, prepares the learner with experiences, knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for working in the agricultural sector, or for further training at the advanced level. The Competency Standard, comprising the clusters of units, covers multiple subjects in crop production and protection; soil preparation for nursery, and field/row crop establishment; harvesting and processing; and field layout/crop planting systems. Persons who complete this qualification can be employed in the following jobs: Farm Manager; Farm Supervisor; Field Supervisor; Pest Control Supervisor; Bean Roaster/Processor; Processing Supervisor; Field Safety Monitor/Officer; Marketing & Customer Service Officer.
- Listing ID: 5994
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Agriculture
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Qualification Level: Level 3 - Certificate III/Diploma
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: AGH30522
- ISCED Code: 08 Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary - )*! Agriculture - 0811 Crop and Livestock Production
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
- Number of Credits: 192