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NCTVET - NVQ-J Level 3 in Accounting


Who this qualification is for: This qualification targets persons who are desirous of working as an Accountant. These individuals may provide accounting services, and lead and/or support a team of other accounting staff. These individuals will acquire a broad range of competencies such as completing Business Activity Statements (BAS) and other office taxes; operational reporting; producing non-complex management reports; compiling data for job costing reports; supervising the operation of computer-based financial systems; maintaining inventory records; and managing a small office while ensuring relevant legal requirements are adhered to.

Qualification Description: In this qualification, the competencies and skills will allow learners to supervise and perform financial reporting and costing functions; supervise employees in Accounts Payables and Receivables; oversee payroll and accounting functions; supervise and perform basic training of accounting staff; as well as engage in maintaining workplace standards such as occupational health and safety, quality customer service, and risk processes.

Qualification Value: Having completed this NVQ-J Level 3 Qualification, candidates will be awarded a Diploma, which is regionally and internationally accepted. It provides a basis for matriculation and is an alternate route to higher education. This qualification is equivalent to a Diploma on the Integrated Qualifications Framework of Jamaica. Job Qualifications include Accounts Receivable Clerk.

  • Listing ID: 5895
  • Field of Study: Finance
  • Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: NCTVET
  • Qualification Level: Level 3 - Certificate III/Diploma
  • Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
  • Qualification Code: FSF30923
  • ISCED Code: 04 Business, Administration and Law - 041 Business Administration - 0411 Accounting and Taxation
  • Qualification Developer: NCTVET
  • Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
  • Entry Requirements: Accounting Level 2 or its equivalent.
  • Number of Credits: 166
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