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University of Technology, Jamaica - Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences


The aim of the Land Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences programme is to produce graduates, proficient in the necessary skills to operate as professionals in the disciplines of Land Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences within the Built Environment Industry. Graduates of the LSGIS programme should have achieved the minimum or higher entry level required by the above industries throughout Jamaica and the Caribbean. This is achievable since the programme was formulated with close consultation with the managers and professionals operating within the Surveying, GIS and Built Environment industries. The curriculum is designed to train students in the main disciplines of Land Surveying (i.e. Plane Surveying, Geodetic Surveying, Engineering Surveying, Topographical Surveying, Photogrammetry, Cadastral Surveying, Satellite Surveying, Hydrographic Surveying) and Land/Geographic Information Systems as well as developing students’ research skills, professional ethics and general knowledge related to the Built Environment and Geographic Information Sciences industry.

It is our belief that these revisions to the programme will strengthen its ability to provide graduates with a foundation that will enable them to cope with the rapid technological changes that takes place in the Land Surveying and Geographic Information Sciences environments, leading to their high level of professional competence in both disciplines. Graduates who wish to become Licensed Land Surveyors (Commissioned Land Surveyors in Jamaica) will need to complete a minimum of one (1) year post degree attachment, to an approved Commissioned Land Surveyor and prove their professional competence to the respective governing Land Surveying body of their country. The SGIS programme was designed not only as the minimum level academic benchmark for professional qualification but also to enable graduates to access to higher education.

The stipulated completion time for this Course of Study is four (4) years with regular matriculation. Those who have credit transfers may have a shorter time of completion.

  • Listing ID: 4695
  • Institution Category: Universities
  • Field of Study: Surveying
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Qualification Level:
  • Education Sector: Higher Education
  • ISCED Code: 05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics- 052 Environment- 0521 Environmental Sciences
  • Qualification Developer: School of Building and Land Management, University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
  • Entry Requirements: 5 CSEC/GCE O-Level passes including English Language, Mathematics and three (3) other approved subjects. Preferred subjects include: Physics, Geography, Information Technology, Technical Drawing. Additional Mathematics, Elementary Surveying (offered by some schools as a CSEC level subject).
    Graduates from the Associate Degree in Surveying and Geographic Information Technology with a minimum GPA 2.70, may articulate into the programme with advanced placement into second year.
  • Number of Credits: 138
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