University of the West Indies - Bachelor of Science in Banking & Finance
The BSc degree in Banking and Finance seeks to develop a formally trained cadre of banking and finance industry professionals by equipping them with the theoretical information and techniques necessary to make informed analysis about banking and the wider financial sector.
Upon completion, students should be able to do the following:
(i) apply appropriate methodologies to the analysis and solution of financial problems including, inter alia, financial analysis, valuation of real and financial assets, risk management, and investment analysis,
(ii) describe personal financial and investment concepts that enable the provision of advice on investments, insurance, and estate planning,
(iii) explain the role of financial management in the business firm and in the public sector,
(iv) explain the functioning and operation of financial markets and the roles of financial institutions and
(v) evaluate social and ethical issues and dilemmas related to banking and finance.
- Listing ID: 5305
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Business and Management
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: The University of the West Indies
- Qualification Level: Level 5 - Bachelor's Degree
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 04 Business Administration and Law- 041 Business Administration- 0412 Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Qualification Developer: The University of the West Indies
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
- Entry Requirements: FULL TIME (3 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level/BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) which must include English Language and Mathematics AND Two double Units CAPE subjects or 2 GCE A-Level subjects. PART TIME (4 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level / BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) with compulsory English Language and Mathematics.
- Number of Credits: 90