University of the West Indies - Bachelor of Science in Economics
Economics is the study of how people make choices about their material conditions, that is, about work, investment, and consumption, and the implications of those choices for the wider society. These implications include: general level of prosperity and poverty, inflation, and the public debt. In order to address such matters, the courses in our BSc programme introduce you to a set of theoretical and practical tools that have application to a broad range of issues, many outside the realm of economics narrowly defined. Upon graduation, you will have become familiar with the “way of thinking” of economics, which will allow you to understand and have a perspective on the public discourse on economic issues. You will also be able to approach personal and business decisions with greater precision and consistency. The programme of study includes not only the basic tools of the discipline, but a variety of applications of those tools to areas such as finance, economic development, and international trade.
- Listing ID: 5307
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Social Sciences
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: The University of the West Indies
- Qualification Level: Level 5 - Bachelor's Degree
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 03 Social Sciences, Journalism and Information- 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences- 0311 Economics
- Qualification Developer: The University of the West Indies
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
- Entry Requirements: FULL TIME (3 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level/BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) which must include English Language and Mathematics AND Two double Units CAPE subjects or 2 GCE A-Level subjects. PART TIME (4 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level / BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) with compulsory English Language and Mathematics.
- Number of Credits: 90