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University of Technology, Jamaica - Master of Science in Health Administration


The course of study will include extensive internship based experience that will enable graduates to develop advanced problem-solving skills and the ability to translate theoretical knowledge into applied administrative and managerial practices.

  • Listing ID: 4381
  • Institution Category: Universities
  • Field of Study: Health Administration
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Qualification Level:
  • Education Sector: Higher Education
  • ISCED Code: 04 Business Administration and Law- 041 Business Administration- 0413 Management and Administration
  • Qualification Developer: School of Allied Health and Wellness, University of Technology, Jamaica
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
  • Entry Requirements: 1. Admission will be open to graduates of accredited degree programmes in medicine, nursing, dentistry, Environmental/Occupational Health, Pharmacy and other allied Health Professions from approved tertiary institutions;
    2. Admissions may be considered for other degree level certificates from recognized institutions. Candidates admitted among this group may be required to complete some additional modules to augment their health Sciences background.
    3. Applicants should possess a minimum of Second Class Honors Degree or equivalent. Applicants with a pass degree may be required to complete qualifying modules(as determined by the University).
    4. Prior Learning Assessment Route of entry applicants who have pertinent experience and present such portfolios would be eligible for entry upon review on a case by case basis.
  • Number of Credits: 54
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