NVQ-J Level 3 in Pharmacognosy
This qualification is suitable for individuals in the scientific professional that intend to enter the herbal industry or for those that needs to improve their skill set. This NVQ-J will also aid decision makers, in formalizing the herbal industry and to recognize jobs currently being performed. Persons who complete this NVQ-J may be employed as an Herbalist Assistant or operate their own business depending on previous scientific qualification. The diagnosis of diseases is legally the job of a medical professional, and this qualification does not give a person the legal right to diagnose any disease. The practitioner will be able to recommend the best herbal product for a diagnosed disease.
- Listing ID: 6247
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Health Sciences
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Qualification Level: Level 3 - Certificate III/Diploma
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: SCG30222
- ISCED Code: 09 Health and Welfare - 091 Health - 0917 Traditional and complimentary medicine and therapy
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
- Number of Credits: 164