NVQ Level 3 Domestic/Consumer Electronics
This qualification is suitable for those learners wishing to advance their career within the Domestic/Consumer Electronics industry or for those working within the industry who wants to update their skill set. The knowledge and skills components are geared towards servicing and repairing larger domestic appliances such as stoves, ovens, washing machines, dryers, LED equipment, and home electronic products including; cellular phones, advanced analog and digital circuits, rear projection television, inverters, plasma, and liquid crystal display equipment
Persons who complete this qualification can be employed in the following job: Cell Phone Technician
Cell Phone Technician:
EEMDCE0073A – Service and repair cellular phones
EEMDCE0013B – Repair advance analog and digital circuits
EEMDCE0083A – Demonstrate applied knowledge of micro-controllers
MEMMRD0083B – Modify electronic systems
MEMCOM0023B – Perform internal and external customer service
MEMMAH0073B – Procure technical materials
EEMDCE0063B – Prepare estimates
Career path – articulation and specialization
After achieving the EEM30115 Certificate in Domestic/Consumer Electronics, individuals could progress to a wide range of other qualifications in the Electrical Engineering, Metal Engineering, and Information Technology Industries.
- Listing ID: 3819
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Electronic Engineering
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: EEM30116
- ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction- 071 Engineering & Engineering Trades- 0714 Electronics and Automation
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET Standards & Assessment Development Unit
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
Entry Requirements:
Individuals may enter level III Certification in the Domestic /Consumer Electronics Industry with relevant level II vocational experience and qualification. Where lower-level qualification plans exist, these MUST
be completed. Otherwise, evidence for competencies equivalent to lower-level qualifications must be provided at registration/prior to commencement of the program/before certification.
For this qualification plan the prerequisite(s) is/are:
EEM20116 - Domestic/Consumer Electronics Level 2