University of the West Indies - Bachelor of Science in Operations Management
The BSc Operations Management teaches how a business uses inputs such as labour, machinery and raw material to produce saleable goods and services. For a business to maximize profit, this process of transforming inputs into outputs must be done efficiently. Operations scientists have developed mathematical and scientific theories as to how businesses should operate for optimum outcome. This major is eclectic, drawing from areas such as: statistics, economics, accounting, marketing, human resources and finance and prepares students to assume jobs at the middle management level in areas that cover strategic, tactical and operational decisions. The Operations Management major covers both quantitative and qualitative disciplines. Students in this programme will take courses in production and operations management, productivity and quality management, quantitative methods and research principles, production planning and control, and project management, among others.
- Listing ID: 5315
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Business and Management
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: The University of the West Indies
- Qualification Level: Level 5 - Bachelor's Degree
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 04 Business Administration and Law- 041 Business Administration- 0413 Management and Administration
- Qualification Developer: The University of the West Indies
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
- Entry Requirements: FULL TIME (3 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level/BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) which must include English Language and Mathematics AND Two double Units CAPE subjects or 2 GCE A-Level subjects. PART TIME (4 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level / BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) with compulsory English Language and Mathematics.
- Number of Credits: 90