University of Technology, Jamaica - Bachelor of Arts in Apparel Design, Production & Management
The programme is designed to prepare competent, professional entrepreneurs to make an impact on the local and international fashion design scene.
The programme will facilitate the learner in the acquisition of design skills, pattern drafting, competency in construction skills which extents to operations management in a production facility. A wide range of designing opportunities will be offered including basic garment design, couture , tailoring techniques, textile design and sewn products for interior decoration.
A Fashion Designer can pursue a number of career paths with a degree, namely: Fashion Designer, Sample Maker, Apparel Manufacturer, Couturier Tailor, Textile Designer, Interior Decorator, manufacturer of Interior Decoration Items, Fashion Illustrator, Retailer Manager, Inventory Manager, Buyer and Merchandiser.
- Listing ID: 4664
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Fashion Designing
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 02 Arts and Humanities- 021 Arts- 0212 Fashion, interior and Industrial Design
- Qualification Developer: School of Technical and Vocational Education, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
Entry Requirements:
5 CSEC/GCE O-Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics other approved subjects, Associate Degree/Certificate in Fashion Designing in Garment
: Diploma in Garment Construction: Operators of Apparel Business. - Number of Credits: 120