This degree offers a broad-based study of music within a liberal arts curriculum. Students who are interested in a General Music degree but who may wish to pursue another major, Associate’s degree or a minor in another discipline, are encouraged to opt for this degree. A minimum of thirty (30) additional credits of coursework must be chosen in an area outside of music along with the required General Education courses in order to complete the minimum one hundred and twenty-eight (128) credits required to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Students pursuing this major must pass the Theory Placement Entrance Exam and an audition on the instrument in which they intend to major. Further details for the entrance exam requirements are published in the Music Student Handbook. |
Career Opportunities
Some career opportunities including: performance, teaching, music therapist, architectural
acoustics consultant, arts management, music biographer, church musician, composer,
conductor, musicologist, lyricist, music attorney, music industry (including radio, television, and
publishing) and music librarian. Some of these will require graduate studies in their appropriate
- Listing ID: 4135
- Institution Category: Universities
- Institution Type: Private
- Field of Study: MUSIC AND FINE ARTS
- Awarding Body: Northern Caribbean University
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 02 Arts & Humanities- 021 Arts- 0215 Music & Performing Arts
- Qualification Developer: Northern Caribbean University
- Quality Assurance Body: UCJ
Entry Requirements:
In order to matriculate, applicants must satisfy University entry requirements as well as appear
before the Music faculty for an audition in their performance medium and pass the Music Theory
Placement Examination, before or during orientation week.
These exams are designed to determine a student’s knowledge and competence in the areas of
Theory, piano skills and their applied music area. The results of these exams are used to
determine whether students are prepared to enter directly into one of the degree programmes
or whether they need to take prerequisite courses in the area(s) in which a deficiency or
deficiencies are present. These may include MUTH100(MUCT101/2) Fundamentals of Theory,
MUPF056-57 Applied Music; and/or MUCL102(MUPF102) Class Piano I (See Music Student
Handbook for further details.)
Music Student Handbook
All music students will receive a copy of the Music Student Handbook upon entering any of the
music programmes. Current students will also receive an updated version at the beginning of
each successive school year. The Handbook contains all the requirements and procedures, as well
as general information that students need to know about the music facilities and the music
degree programmes offered by the Department. Students are responsible for and required to be
informed about its contents.N o r t h e r n C a r i b b e a n U n i v e r s i t y
All majors, associate degrees and minors must participate in a departmental ensemble each
consecutive semester (except when a student is teaching or on internship) until the ensemble
degree requirements are fulfilled. Students may enrol in no more than two ensembles in any
given semester. Large and small ensembles include: The University Chorale, Chamber Ensemble
and Concert Band.
Forums are seminars designed for majors, associate degrees and minors to perform in a friendly
environment and participate in scholarly discussions and performance. Attendance is required
for all music majors.
Solo Recitals
All majors are required to present both a Junior and a Senior recital as graduation requirements.
Each of these must be preceded by a pre-recital four weeks prior to the proposed recital date.
(See Music Student Handbook for further details.)
Piano Proficiency
Each major, including Teacher Education majors, is required to pass a Piano Proficiency
Examination at the end of the sophomore year. Students who fail the exam will be required to
register for Piano Proficiency courses until the examination is passed. (See Music Student
Handbook for further details.)
Jury Examinations
All Music students who are registered for Applied Music for credit in any semester are required
to appear before the music faculty for a jury examination at the end of that semester. At the jury
examination, the student will present the compositions, in their principal instrument, studied
during that semester, but which have not been presented at a previous jury. The length of the
jury is determined by the number of credits for which the student is registered that semester.
(See Music Student Handbook for further details.)
Advancement to Candidacy
This mid-matriculation interview occurs at the jury at the end of the sophomore year
(Sophomore Evaluation). This Evaluation examination is designed to ensure that students will be
able to continue in the programme for which they are enrolled based upon their current levels of
academic and performance skills. (See Music Student Handbook for further details.)
Concert and Recital Attendance
Attendance at all major concerts, recitals, and forums sponsored by the Department is required
of all music students.
Applied Music
All students enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree programmes in music are required to register for
fourteen (14) 60-minute Applied Music Lessons per semester in their primary performing
medium in order to obtain credit. Students enrolled in the Associate degree programmes as well
as minors in music are required to register for fourteen (14) 30-minute lessons per semester in
order to obtain credit. - Number of Credits: 128