University of Technology, Jamaica - Bachelor of Science in Animation Production and Development
The School of Computing and Information Technology aims to be the leading provider in offering computing degrees. The course of study will provide the students with a solid foundation of computing that meets international standards and curricula that meets industry needs. The curriculum guarantees technical, current, and personal development in ethical conduct, communication, and presentation skills with a mindset of lifelong learning.
The programme is dedicated to developing graduates who will be equipped with strong foundational art skills and innovative artistic techniques. Skills that will master traditional and digital tools to produce high-quality still and moving images. Creative and story-telling with scriptwriting strategies and techniques.
The 4-year Degree in Animation Production and Development started in 2015. Each student cohort for the course of study is admitted in August of each academic year. The course is four(4) years in duration, organised on a full-time/ flexible basis over an academic year consisting of approximately thirty weeks (2 semesters).
- Listing ID: 4386
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Animation
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 06 Information and Communication Technologies- 061 Information and Communication Technologies- 0613 Software and applications development and analysis
- Qualification Developer: School of Computing and Information Technolgy, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
Entry Requirements:
1. Five(5) CXC CSEC Grades passes including English Language, Mathematics, and three(3) other subjects preferable Information Technology and Art subject. (CXC CSEC Grades 1, 2, & 3 since 1998).
2. Candidates should submit a portfolio in digital format for assessment- via images or blogs.
3. Ownership of a personal computer/laptop is strongly encourages.
4. UTech, Jamaica prior learning route of entry - Number of Credits: 121-126