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Excelsior Community College - Bachelor of Science in Hospitality & Tourism Management


Graduates from this programme, should be able to: 

  1. communicate effectively in both written and oral format within the modern business environment.
  2. appropriately utilize technology in the writing process
  3. understand the sociological and professional underpinnings of the different groups of professionals within the hospitality industry.
  4. plan, organize and successfully execute major functions and events
  5. schedule, delegate and supervise various categories of hospitality workers
  6. make inferences from data, assess findings and make recommendations to stakeholder within the sector
  7. assist with the development of models and policies that will assist in the country’s as well as the regional product
  8. appreciate and interact with staff and guests of varying cultures
  9. appreciate and contribute to the promotion of visitor attractions and facilities
  10. appreciate the interrelations of markets operations and how they impact on the economic factors or financial management
  11. preparation of budgets, income statements and other related financial documents
  12. demonstrate quality guest service within the hospitality industry
  13. examine how the legal environment affects the viability of the hospitality and tourism industry
  14. understand overall structure and operation of the hospitality industry
  15. justify the importance of government regulation, inspection, purchasing and grading of meat and seafood
  16. demonstrate and practice appropriate ethical and professional behaviour in the workplace
  17. demonstrate an understanding of key business and corporate strategies and their application to the industry
  18. analyse market strategies
  19. understand the principles and concepts of sustainable development
  • Listing ID: 3279
  • Field of Study: Social Sciences
  • Institution Category: General Higher Education Colleges
  • Awarding Body: Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica
  • Education Sector: General Education
  • Qualification Number: 103
  • ISCED Code: 10/101/1015
  • Qualification Developer: Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica
  • Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica
  • Entry Requirements: Associate Degree offered by the CCCJ
    Equivalent qualification(s) as determined by the CCCJ
    5 CSEC including Math & English Language
    PLAR Assessment for students who meet mature entry requirements
  • Number of Credits: 78
Contact details

Excelsior Community College 137 Mountain View Avenue, Kingston 3Excelsior Community College,876 8769285070 zaria.malcolm@ecc.edu.jm http://ecc.edu.jm

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