University of Technology, Jamaica - Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
The Diploma in engineering is a 3 year program offered through the Faculty of Engineering and Computing and qualifies a learner to effectively function at the Technician level in the industry. The Diploma graduate will have:
- An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
- An understanding of ethical responsibilities.
- An ability to communicate effectively.
- A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning.
- A knowledge of contemporary issues.
- An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for technician engineering practice.
- Listing ID: 4437
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Engineering
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 071 Engineering and Engineering Trades- 0715 Mechanics and Metal Trades
- Qualification Developer: School of Engineering, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) and Professional Engineers Registration Board (PERB)
- Entry Requirements: Four (4) CSEC/GCE O\'Level: English Language, Mathematics & Physics/ Electrical & Electrical Technology and one other subject (preferably technical) at prescribed level.
- Number of Credits: 96-103