University of Technology, Jamaica - Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
The overall goals of the Engineering and Computing research-based PhD are in keeping with the University’s research thrust to produce graduates with a strong engineering and computing background who will, with entrepreneurial skills and applied research, offer solutions to critical scientific and societal problems.
Learners can purse the course of study within 36 months (3 years) minimum or 72 months (6 years) maximum depending on the number of credits registered per semester.
- Listing ID: 4457
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Engineering
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 071 Engineering and Engineering Trades- 0715 Mechanics and Metal Trades
- Qualification Developer: School of Engineering, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) and Professional Engineers Registration Board (PERB)
Entry Requirements:
The normal entry requirement for the research-based doctoral degree is the Master\'s degree in Engineering, Computing or closely-related disciplines whose research directions are appropriate to the proposed PhD research thesis. The masters level training must have included research training and completion of research project.
In exceptional cases, applicants who have a good honors first degree(or equivalent) may apply for direct registration to the doctoral degree(MPhil/PhD) if they have appropriate research or professional experience at graduate level which has resulted in published work, written reports or other appropriate evidence of academic accomplishments. - Number of Credits: 90