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NVQ-J Level 2 in Print Media Technology


The Print Media Technology Level 2 qualification plan is intended for individuals who are interested in or currently working in the printing sector. This may include rolesĀ  such as printers, press operators, or print production technicians. The plan is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and technologies used in the print media industry, including the operation and maintenance of printing equipment, quality control procedures, and industry-specific software and materials.

  • Listing ID: 6291
  • Field of Study: Print Media Technology
  • Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: NCTVET
  • Qualification Level: Level 2 - Certificate II
  • Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
  • Qualification Code: MFP20123
  • ISCED Code: 02 Arts and Humanities - 021 Arts - 0211 Audio-visual techniques and Media Production
  • Qualification Developer: NCTVET
  • Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
  • Entry Requirements: Upon entering this qualification individuals should have completed Multimedia Graphic Design Level 1 qualification plan but only if they are not familiar with industry-specific Graphic Design Technologies and how to use them.
  • Number of Credits: 140
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