NVQ-J Level 2 in Unmanned Aerial System Operations
This qualification targets individuals interested in operating an Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Industry in the broader Aviation Industry. ‘Drones Technology’ is a specialised area of study. Drones, sometimes referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), carry out tasks that range from the mundane to the ultra-dangerous. These robot-like aircraft [remote pilot aircraft system (RPAS)] can be found rescuing avalanche victims as well as dropping off groceries at your doorstep — and almost everywhere in between. A drone refers to any aerial vehicle that receives remote commands from a pilot or relies on software for autonomous flight. After achieving this Level 2 Certificate in Unmanned Aerial System Operations (AVU20123) individuals could progress to a wide range of other qualifications in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in the Aviation Industry.
- Listing ID: 6350
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Aviation
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Qualification Level: Level 2 - Certificate II
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: AVU20123
- ISCED Code: 10 Services - 104 Transport Services - 1041 Transport Services
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
- Entry Requirements: Individuals may enter level 2 Certification in the Services Industry with no previous vocational experience and qualification. Where lower level qualification plans exist, these MUST be completed.
- Number of Credits: 80