NVQ Level 2 Domestic/Consumer Electronics
This qualification is intended for those learners wishing to forge a career within the Domestic/Consumer Electronics industry or for those working within the industry who wants to update their skill set. The knowledge and skills components are geared towards servicing and repairing a variety of domestic appliances such as automatic toasters, food cookers, food mixers, automatic grills, power tools, microwave ovens, and home electronic products including; radios, audio-video equipment, computer monitors, switch mode and linear power supplies.
Persons who complete this qualification can be employed in the following jobs:
Job titles: Small Appliance Technician, Appliance Technician, Service Technician
Job Qualification include: Nil
Career Path – Articulation and Specialisation
After achieving the EEM20115 Certificate in Domestic/Consumer Electronics, individuals could progress to Domestic/Consumer Electronics Level III or a wide range of other qualifications in the Electrical Engineering industry.
- Listing ID: 3818
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Electronic Engineerng
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: EEM20116
- ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction- 071 Engineering & Engineering Trades- 0714 Electronics and Automation
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET Standards & Assessment Development Unit
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
Entry Requirements:
Individuals may enter level II Certification in the Domestic /Consumer Electronics Industry with relevant Level 1 vocational experience and qualification. Where lower-level qualification plans exist, these MUST be completed. Otherwise, evidence for competencies equivalent to lower-level qualifications must be provided at registration/prior to commencement of the program/before certification.
For this qualification plan the prerequisite(s) is/are:
EEM10315 – Small Appliance Repairs Level 1