NVQ Level 5 Interior Decorating and Design
This qualification is for persons who wish to pursue a career in the Creative Arts Industry in the occupational field of Interior Decorating and Design. Interior design at this level covers the planning and detailing of complex residential, commercial, and institutional design projects with an emphasis on space creation, space planning, and the factors that affect peoples’ responses to living and working environments. The unit of competencies are complex and in-depth and is geared at preparing participants for the job function of an Interior Designer. The Packaging of Competency Standards for National Qualification is covered in the following clusters: Communicate Design Ideas and Solutions; Develop Contracts and Proposals; Conduct Research to Manage Client Design Solutions; Manage Designs for Commercial/Institutional interiors; Develop Floor Plans & Models for Design Projects; Manage Procurement Activities; Manage Professional Development and Risk, Quality and OHS Management Techniques.
Persons who complete this qualification can be employed in the following jobs:
Career path – articulation and specialization
After achieving this LMF50217 level 5 in Interior Decorating & Design, individuals could select from a wide range of other qualifications in the Light Manufacturing Industry.
- Listing ID: 3915
- Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
- Field of Study: Interior Design
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: NCTVET
- Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
- Qualification Code: LMF50217
- ISCED Code: 02 Arts & Humanities- 021 Arts- 0212 Fashion, interior and industrial design
- Qualification Developer: NCTVET Occupational Standards Development Department
- Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
Entry Requirements:
LMF40717 Interior Decorating and Design Level 4
Individuals may enter level 5 Certification in Interior Decorating and Design with the relevant level vocational experience and qualification. Where lower-level qualification plans exist, these MUST be completed.