University of Technology, Jamaica - Bachelor of Science in Sport Sciences
The Bachelor of Science in Sport Sciences will provide the required educational base for sport professionals. All forms of sport activities carry the need for emergency first aid management of common sports injuries, adoption of appropriate nutrition, management of events, and the protection of participants from undesirable environmental, ethical and other conditions. The growing positive societal impact of sport require professional preparation of persons to coach and train participants, manage events, and prevent and treat injuries.
There are three options in the Bachelor of Science in Sport Sciences Degree: Sport Management, Art & Science of Coaching and Sport Athletic Training (Sport Physiotherapy & Conditioning).
One cohort is admitted in August of each academic year. The course is four (4) years in duration, organised on a full time basis over an academic year consisting of approximately thirty weeks (2 semesters)
- Listing ID: 4649
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Sport Management
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: University of Technology, Jamaica
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 10 Services- 101 Personal Services- 1014 Sports
- Qualification Developer: Caribbean School of Sport Sciences, University of Technology, Jamaica
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
Entry Requirements:
Applicants must satisfy the following:
1. Five (5) CXC (or equivalent) subjects at CSEC to include any two (2) science subjects, Mathematics, English Language, and any other subject.
-CAPE Physical Education (PE) Unit 1 and/or 2 may be used as a substitute for a CSEC science subject. (Such that if an applicant has both Units they may be used to substitute for 2 Science subjects).
2. Candidates with other types of academic qualifications will be evaluated in accordance with the University’s regulations governing academic equivalence.
3. Entry through a Prior Learning Assessment route is available to persons with experience in the appropriate subject areas. - Number of Credits: 127