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NVQ-J Level 2 in Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance


This Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Routine Maintenance Level 2 qualification plan offers an introduction to an experienced auto mechanic for this specialised industry sector which in addition, compliments their current industry qualifications and experience in motor vehicle repairs. An Electric/Hybrid Vehicle (EHV) is a mode of transport which is powered by electricity/petroleum-based fuels. Unlike conventional vehicles that only use a gasoline (petrol) or diesel-powered engine, electric/hybrid vehicles use both an electric motor powered by electricity from batteries, fuel cell as well as petroleum-based fuels. Persons who complete this NVQ-J qualification plan may be employed to perform routine maintenance activities for electric/hybrid vehicles.

  • Listing ID: 6158
  • Institution Category: Specialised Institutions
  • Field of Study: Automotive Service Repairs
  • Institution Type: Public
  • Awarding Body: NCTVET
  • Qualification Level: Level 2 - Certificate II
  • Education Sector: Technical and Vocational
  • Qualification Code: ASR21222
  • ISCED Code: 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction- 071 Engineering and Engineering Trades- 0716 Motor Vehicles, ships and aircraft
  • Qualification Developer: NCTVET
  • Quality Assurance Body: NCTVET
  • Entry Requirements: Upon entering this qualification, learners will be required to complete the NVQ-J level 1 in Motor Vehicle Repairs or any other equivalent qualification and experience
  • Number of Credits: 57
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