University of the West Indies - Bachelor of Science in Public Policy & Management
The field of public management encompasses a wide range of activities and areas that involve the delivery of services to citizens by governments including national security, education, health services, environmental surveillance, public works, judicial and legal administration, revenue collection, budgeting, and expenditures, and policy-making. This programme is designed to explore the various approaches, trends and paradigms in public management and public policy-making. Students, who desire to become future public servants/leaders, will be equipped with the theoretical and practical capacity to confront the internal and external challenges of the public sector in the 21st century and beyond and better serve the needs of citizens. Students will examine the various roles and responsibilities of the public sector, the various approaches to public policy-making, the changing models and principles of public service delivery, comparative approaches to public governance, and the relationships among governments and their various stakeholders including citizens, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies. Students will also acquire valuable administrative writing skills such as budget preparation and the preparation of policy memoranda and cabinet submissions. Final-year students will also get the opportunity to intern at a government organization.
- Listing ID: 5333
- Institution Category: Universities
- Field of Study: Social Sciences
- Institution Type: Public
- Awarding Body: The University of the West Indies
- Qualification Level:
- Education Sector: Higher Education
- ISCED Code: 03 Social Sciences, Journalism and Information- 031 Social and Behavioural Sciences- 0312 Political Sciences and Civics
- Qualification Developer: The University of the West Indies
- Quality Assurance Body: University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)
- Entry Requirements: FULL TIME (3 Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level/BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) which must include English Language and Mathematics AND Two double Units CAPE subjects or 2 GCE A-Level subjects. PART TIME (4-Year Programme): Five CSEC subjects (General Proficiency Grades I-III) or GCE O'Level / BGCSE subjects (Grades A-C) with compulsory English Language and Mathematics.
- Number of Credits: 90